Of course you can vote, it's your country.
12 September is the election date for the Dutch House of Representatives. I made a poll, because it would be interesting to see what non-Dutch...
Haha awesome O0 See you on game nights.
9 days left.
LOL I meant just to test shit. Using Windows 7 as a server is retarded. Maybe Windows Server 2008 would be okay. I would rather have Linux though.
I wonder if Windows 7 would even work, those errors you got with Linux were weird as shit.
Nope, didn't work :)) The catbox did too much catnip to accept another OS.
Everyone that plays FIFA daily claims they are the best ever at that game. It's a weird kind of sports mentality for a video game :P
Welcome back homie :swag:
Cool, I'm using this!
I think Tux is a pretty cool guy. eh no BSOD and doesnt afraid of anything
The only way.
It's official now: http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux Gaben is hiring a lot of Linux talent away from other companies (don't worry, only boring...
It's weird, there are more programs that do the same thing, like FlashGot and TuneNabber. And of course the sound recorder that is installed on...
Google became too big, it's sad.
Thank you very much for contacting us :) We fixed the votemap feature. Just say votemap in chat, then you can choose what map you want. If more...
Something I apparently missed, here's the Wii U Pro controller ^-^ [IMG]
Re: 23-06-12 19:00 De muCosmos VrijMiBo! :swag: