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Windows 8 review

Discussie in 'In general' gestart door Refalm, 29 sep 2012.

  1. Refalm

    Refalm rafalm is idot die Führung

    Windows 8 review
    For this review, I used Windows 8 Professional 64-bit.

    The latest operating system by Microsoft is a combination of Windows 98's advertisements on the desktop, Microsoft BOB's attempt at an operating system designed for children, and Windows NT's stability.
    This volatile mix is exactly what some people want for a while, and a lot don't want to begin with.

    I began installing Windows 8 when I noticed that Windows 7 was beginning to become very unstable. Windows does that. Whenever you install a program, then remove it, it leaves behind a lot of bullshit, ultimately creating a big mess.
    Because I tried dual booting Linux before, and noticed that it just doesn't work, I decided to install Windows 8 because I could get it for free anyway (legally). Linux isn't an option for my laptop, as NVIDIA is too lazy to write proper drivers to support their Optimus technology on that operating system, resulting in very poor 3D graphics support.

    Installing Windows 8 was fast as shit. However, it was radically different.
    You see, it's all about Modern UI.


    Modern UI
    Modern UI is an interface developed by Microsoft, targeted at people who don't know how to use a computer.
    After much research, they found out that most people are too dumb to click on the Start button. They also found out that people can't find files, and apparently don't care that they have them.
    In short, most people either refuse to learn how a computer works, or are simply too stupid to tie their own shoelaces to begin with.

    The solutions:
    • Make big square buttons that only braindead people would miss;
    • Remove the Start menu from the desktop, because no one uses it anyway;
    • Big notifications that tell you what to do (a.k.a. buy more stuff from Microsoft);
    • Make PC's look like a tablet, "because PC's are dead lol";
    • Everything is in the cloud.

    The new Start interface welcomes you with applications for E-mail, People, Calender, Messages, Video, Pictures, and Internets, Weather, News, and Travel.
    When you click on one of them, you are presented with an application that only does the bare minimum required to perform the task.

    The tiles are also live, so you can see what the weather is like right now (this is faster than looking out the window).


    Power users and gamers
    I'm a power user and gamer.

    What I like about Windows 8 is the E-mail and Calender application. Previously, if you wanted desktop notification of coming meetings and incoming e-mails, you had to install Outlook. Now, I have those notifications out of the box. I linked my Google account with Windows 8, and now I get a nice message whenever I'm running late for something.

    What I also like are clear improvements like the new task manager, the files explorer which has all the options I use better accessible (creating a new folder with one click), Windows Update not being a dick anymore about restarting, the way file associations are handled (applications can't claim filetypes anymore when you start them), improved battery life, and the GUI changing to the colour of the wallpaper.



    The negative stuff is all in the Modern UI. I can't use it.
    I tried getting some actual work done with it, and it's impossible. Microsoft completely removed multitasking. It's more like dual tasking now, because you can only display two applications side-by-side.

    They also fucked up the driver system again. I didn't think it was possible to fuck it up worse than was done in Windows Vista, but they did it anyway.
    Microsoft claims Windows 8 can run on hardware designed for Windows XP. This is a blatant lie. Any driver for hardware that's from before Q3 2011 is unsupported. This means you'll only get a crippled Microsoft driver (which sucks). Already, people are disabling all the security features of Windows 8 to install Windows 7 drivers on it. This means you have to choose between a secure system, or installing decent hardware drivers.


    Back on Modern UI again. I downloaded an application called Open Shell, that not only brings back the Start menu, but also can disable all that tile bullshit. Installing that was vital for a usable desktop.

    On gaming, I found that alt+tabbing actually works better, and that Windows 8 is overal more stable for gaming. They also seem to actually fully support their own Xbox controller.

    Avarage Joe
    This operating system is perfect for the avarage Joe.

    Joe likes taking pictures of his family. When they went to the waterpark, they swam a lot, ate a watermelon, and danced to the latest in shitty pop music.

    When they got home, Joe connected his camera to his new Windows 8 computer. He likes Windows 8, it has big tiles that even he can click on.

    He clicked on the notification that his camera is connected, then the Photo application showed all the pictures.

    To his horror, the pictures didn't look that good. Some were blurry, his daughter had red eyes, his nerdy son looked pale, it was a huge mess. "This is a PC, it can do anything", thought Joe, surely he could edit everything to make it look cool, like Instagram can on his iPad.

    He desperately tried to click on the picture to remove the red eyes. Nothing.
    Then he right-clicked on it. Right-clicking was something he rarely did, he didn't even notice that there's more than one key on his mouse to begin with.
    The only option he got for the picture was to set is as a desktop wallpaper.

    Doesn't matter, there's an app for that. Let's open the App Store.
    Ah here it is, "CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6", now for only € 713.
    His average Joe salary of € 11 an hour working human resources at Conglom-O easily allows for such a purchase.


    Businesses will love this.

    They will love retraining all users for at least a week to use Modern UI.
    They will love being locked into Windows Store for the latest updates.
    They will love SecureBoot, you don't need to run VMWare vSphere, XenServer, or Linux, just use Microsoft for everything.
    They will love that their supply chain applications won't work anymore. Who needs to produce food, clothes, cattle feed, beer, paper, etc. anyway, everything is in the cloud.

    More stable and faster than Windows 7, but sucks big time because it's a gigantic fuckup.

    Other good reviews
    After searching very hard, I found two other reviews not being paid by Microsoft.

    Here's one from a guy who tried every GUI ever made:

    And here's from from a couple of hardware guru's:
  2. Kotsende Kat

    Kotsende Kat Blop blop blop die Führung

    Bottom line: Get Linux.

    Good review. I expected a fanboy review to be honest, but I agree with this review. :smile:
  3. J0ttem

    J0ttem Beer in een pak Verwaltungsbeamte

    Cool story bro.

    and I actually mean it
  4. Alsnana

    Alsnana Good'ol'days.

    Yeah, me too.
  5. Refalm

    Refalm rafalm is idot die Führung

  6. musicmaddness

    musicmaddness New Member

    I love windows 8!!!!!!!!! :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
  7. Refalm

    Refalm rafalm is idot die Führung

    I like how you used all them smilies to indicate you were being sarcastic.

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