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My first looks: Assassins Creed 3

Discussie in 'Gaming' gestart door Miss_white, 4 nov 2012.

  1. Miss_white

    Miss_white New Member

    YHEA Assassins Creed 3 is out!

    With our new Assassin Conner.
    Iv'e played the game and I must say its worth every penny the maps are much bigger the story is quite epic and the grapic's are also from high level.

    The story is about revenge on the death of his mother and the hunt on the tempelars.
    And also when your not playing story mode you can go hunting,battle at sea with your own ship,taking over a fort,explore the woods ore city's I really advise this game to the players of assassins creed and well.....just buy it because I dont want to make any spoils
  2. Kotsende Kat

    Kotsende Kat Blop blop blop die Führung

    So basically you're saying this game differs a lot from Assassin's Creed and Assassin's Creed II? Because I have kinda ragequitted from aforementioned games because they annoyed the hell out of me. Especially Assassin's Creed because it was getting repetitive in my opinion.
  3. Miss_white

    Miss_white New Member

    Well afcourse I found the first game with altaïr quite disapionting but assassins creed 2 etc where quite cool for me because, the story was just great it contained some history (not all but some) and well ho doesn't like to look cool and walk around as a assassin
    the only thing that I hate about it is that you see it trough desmonds eye's(that guy from the futher).
    But your question, well its not like a hole new thing its just being a assassin with 2 hidden blades but they added a lot like new moves a new country (new york,boston,gaint wood) and there are new modes like sea missions like I said before. But I reccomend it if you liked assassins creed and love some sneaking and hurting moves if you are not quite sure if you want to buy it I should say just wait see some video's and think: Do I like this game? I find the game quite good but then its just a matter of opinion :smile:

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