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Mobile Walkthrough: World Conqueror 3 - Axis Campaign

Discussie in 'Gaming' gestart door !nfusOH™, 6 nov 2017.

  1. !nfusOH™

    !nfusOH™ Praise the Lord. Kinda. Verwaltungsbeamte

    Vatican City (Holy See)
    In this discussion, I shall post a full walkthrough of the Play Store game "World Conqueror 3", developed by EasyTech and released years ago. This game involves WW2 and its most famous operations (D-Day, Weserubung, Fall Gelb, Poland getting raped and so on)

    I've noticed that EasyTech's forums actually lack a decent walkthrough for such game and thus, I shall make one here. It may get moved if asked so. Let's start.

    Axis Campaign

    First Mission - Blitzkrieg | Playing It Safe

    Easy as pie: if you really manage to lose this, then uninstall this game, really. I'd suggest to start from the southern cities and oil stations, that's one way to avoid any further plane bombing. If you wanna play it safe, consider Varsaw your last target, along with the general defending it (artillery general). After leaving Varsaw as the last objective, encircle the city and smash Poland's weak ass.

    Blitz Mode

    Rush for Varsaw with all you got, then let the long-range artillery take care of smaller cities: very risky, but absolutely rewarding.

    Second Mission - Fall Gelb | Playing It Safe

    Very important reminder: DO ABSOLUTELY NOT SPLIT YOUR FORCES, NEVER. Basically, attack the Netherlands first, and let the allied German forces defend your flank from Denmark. After that, build a lot of long-range artillery pieces and bomb the living shit outta Belgium. Ignore the enemy ships, unless they're causing troubles to your attack. Of course, you must not use your tanks and soldiers yet to attack Belgium, it would be a massacre. After Belgium is done for, rush for the oil station and Paris, nothing else. Make sure your army is always very compact, with tanks in first line, infantry behind to encircle and act like decoys, and long-range artillery to support your assault towards Paris. Luckily enough, you can take the oil depot easily, since it's two steps ahead of Paris, compared to proximity with Belgium. In Paris there'll be a general guarding it. Needless to say that you must not attack the Maginot Line unless the bunkers near the oil station are a pain in the ass. Before attacking, remember to encircle Paris and attack the general only if your infantry units are about to get screwed in one hit, because if your units die, they won't give a chance for the general to go on a killing spree, thus turning the tables. If it seems like your siege of Paris isn't going to well, let the artillery bomb Paris till it's completely dead. After that, move in with whatever you got.

    Blitz Mode

    Spam artillery and medium tanks, put an unit or two to aid the assault of Amsterdam, and focus on Belgium with artillery, use tanks when Belgium's general's health fell below half of the circle Spam tanks from your cities (Belgium and Ansterdam's tanks aren't good enough) Siege the bunker on top of the Maginot Line (if strictly necessary to pass), then do the same to Paris and any units coming by. Make sure to have units protecting your artillery, and minimize the losses. If you notice that you won't destroy Paris with artillery in time to win, then rush in with every single unit. Be aware though that Amsterdam might resist your ally's attack. Probably Kotsende defending it.

    Third Mission - Operation Sealion | Playing It Safe

    Be sure to not let De Gaulle (the French artillery general with a red circle going around him) leave France and land on the UK, cuz you won't catch him again and you'll fail the mission. While your best units attack De Gaulle, use artillery and your long-range fort standing on the surrendered French border to defeat the small tank in front of the port. If you need income, take the city on the left, it'll be usually vulnerable to anything. After you cleared out France, spam artillery and tanks to prepare an invasion in the UK. After you spammed enough units, rush the southern beaches of the UK (avoid invading Cardiff and Plymouth, attack the last one by land) and take the small city in Wales. If you think you're strong enough, encircle the general defending London and siege it to Hell. Remember to use your navy to defend the channel and take Plymouth. Use land forces to do so if necessary.

    Blitz Mode

    Rush to kill De Gaulle with everything you got, ignore any other units and use your long-range fort to destroy the small tank, use artillery to defeat the French tank standing in the port. Ignore the French city on the far-left if possible. After that, spam tanks and artillery and use your navy to take the port of Plymouth (the one with the red circle, mentioned before) If you take the English port BEFORE landing on allied soil, then you can invade Cardiff and take Wales and its city on the left, on top of Plymouth and Cardiff. Spam artillery to bomb London by sea, and encircle said city. Spam tanks if you feel like you lack enough to conquer London.

    Fourth Mission - Balkans Campaign | Playing It Safe

    Spam artillery to bomb Belgrade and tanks to rush in when the general defending it is weak. If you're fast enough invading Yugoslavia, you can protect Sofia from getting invaded, thus saving you some more annoying bombing rounds. Save up your infantry and tanks to siege Athens and use artillery to bomb the Greek general attacking Sofia, then rush in with all you got to conquer Athens. If you intend to take the British city in Africa (bonus objective), then spam paratroopers all over Tunisia. Use few motorized infantry units if necessary. After you kill the Greek general, you have green light to destroy whatever remains of the Allied Balkans. So far, there is no way to rush it in Blitz Mode without losing the mission. If you find one, PM me.

    Fifth Mission - North Africa Campaign | Playing It Safe

    Use your entire army to rush the 1st objective in Libya, use your navy to defeat the british battleships and destroyers, THEN attack the Carrier. Make sure your subs don't die or lose more than half of their health, they're quite lethal against the Carrier (talking about 70 to 90 dmg per hit!). When you take the 1st objective, rush to Alexandria and kill the weak tank general before attacking said city. You're free to use whatever you want against it, just avoid using infantry with the general, you'll lose them for nothing. Remember to take all oil stations in the map, because starting from the first turn, your oil income is negative and will go down every time, so make sure to not waste your moves. If you don't have fuel to move to Cairo, consider your game lost. ALL tank stations must be YOURS, not your ally's. Let them attack the generals in the South, take care only of the northern African cities, then consider Cairo your last problem. Use the remaining navy you got after the carrier to conquer the port near Alexandria. Use motorized infantry or commandos if you can't take the port by sea. Bomb Cairo and the general defending it with artillery and use everything you got if you see that you won't bomb him to death in time. Remember to encircle.

    Sixth Mission - Operation Barbarossa | Playing It Safe

    Let Guderian (German NPC standing in front of your units) weaken Minsk, send artillery to support him against the Soviet general using long-range artillery (the one near Minsk with the katyusha). Advance slowly, behind your supporting units, with the whole army. Use your panzer and infantry on the bottom to support the siege of Kiev, but don't directly attack the general, only the anti-tank artillery gun standing nearby a bunker near Kiev. Don't get both of them killed. While the motorized infantry unit in the north (the highest one in the map, location speaking) and support the siege of Leningrad, but do NOT engage any general or artillery gun. Wait for the artillery nazi general to take care of both. Instead, use such infantry to take the oil station between Smolensk and Leningrad. When Minsk goes down, spam motorized infantry and use your artillery to defeat the Soviet tank behind Smolensk. Remember to always encircle if there are no major threats. Don't waste resources on weak tanks, they'll be useless in Moscow. Save up for artillery and tanks when you get to Smolensk. After you take Smolensk, spam artillery and tanks (not the weak one, the medium one) and prepare your assault. After you bought enough units (usually, 3-4 pieces of artillery and tanks will do), bomb the long-range artillery general standing below Moscow, only with planes. Absolutely no artillery, you need those for Moscow. If you REALLY can't win in time, use artillery and risk losing it to defeat the general. When you get to Moscow, destroy the bunker first and then encircle it, spam everything you got. If you notice that either Leningrad or Kiev are still standing, spam motorized infantry to destroy them. Remember the motorized unit in the oil station? Well, use him for Leningrad, only when every Soviet generael standing there is completely rekt by your nazi pal with long-range artillery. Again, no way to blitz this without getting destroyed.

    Blitz Mode

    Rush for the 1st objective in Libya with everything you got, then spam motorized infantry and artillery from start to the end of the game. Throw motorized at weak units, tanks at strong generals (the one in Cairo). Remember to take oil depots.

    Seventh Mission - Pacific War I | Playing It Safe

    With your entire navy, skip the 1st island and attack only who's coming for you and attacking your carrier. Ignore the carrier on the bottom-left of the map and rush for the second island. Be careful for enemy subs, and use your carrier to bomb the battleships.

    Eight Mission - Pacific War II | Playing It Safe

    Use your artillery and strongest tanks to conquer the little city near the enemy port near your ships. Use said ships to bomb said port, then take it and protect the city. Use your entire army to use the city as a way to encircle the infantry general on top. Kill the tank general with your strongest tanks and artillery. You MUST encircle him to avoid big issues later. After that, a british enemy general will defend the city ahead of the last one you captured (with strong tanks). Spam strong tanks and rarely artillery to kill the general (use ships as well). After the navy general is dead, rush to the next city with planes available, under New Delhi, kinda. After that, bomb the English city with strong planes and the anti-tank gun defending it. Rush with your strongest tanks to New Delhi. After that, push everything to Mumbai, defend your cities and don't dare any push besides from Mumbai. Avoid that your strong tanks engage the motorized infantry general standing under the strong planes city that you should capture after killing the navy general. Spam strong tanks and artillery till Mumbai goes down, place few pieces of artillery to defend the city close to the two british generals.

    Nineth Mission - Pacific War III

    First of all: use your navy to destroy the Philippines and its navy. Bomb Manila with your carrier and land your artillery in the south of the Philippines. After that bomb Manila till it's dead. Then capture it. After that, invade Borneo and take the strong tanks city. Use said city to spam mostly artillery and oftenly strong tanks, but not too many. Sacrifice your navy to attack Jakarta if need be, then land your artillery to bomb the city. Same as before. use exclusively artillery to take the American city on top of Australia. If need be, use tanks. Them spam and rush everything to take Darwin first and then the other city below.

    Tenth Mission - North America Campaign

    This'll be the first mission where you can have and use the strongest type of tank: The P.Ratte. Remember, treat the only strongest tank you got like your baby. No, don't kick it. Remember that the strongest tank has the same range as a medium-strong kind of artillery piece, making it extremely lethal. Use this tank as a support weapon, and the medium and strong tanks as a breakthrough. Put a single weak tank to defend the oil depot, Canadians will try to invade it. You must not lose it. Rush everything to Ottawa and the city next to it. Then, in a diagonal line, get to the city with the nuclear sign. That's where you can produce nukes. That's right, fucking nukes. Blitz through that city and anything between that and your army (take the city between the strong tank general and Ottawa, it's useful for artillery). Use your strongest tank to kill the strong tank general, and back up when he closes in to attack your tank. Encircle him if possible. After that, take the small city before the nuke city, then the nuke city. Now, spam nukes. Literally. Bomb Washington D.C. till it's completely rekt. Use your strong tanks to take New York, and use strategic bombers from there to bomb Washington D.C. with nukes, that'll be your only way to do that. After that, rush to Los Angeles, then nuke San Francisco till it's rekt. Use your navy to support and protect the Italian general (he'll lose anyway, but he'll do some damage). Use weak tanks and motorized infantry to take the small city and the one next to it with medium tanks. After you took both cities, use nukes to bomb Edmonton. After that, you completed the Nazi campaign, and you can play the NATO or Varsaw Pact one.

    I'll post the other campaigns another day. For now, enjoy this.
  2. Kotsende Kat

    Kotsende Kat Blop blop blop die Führung

    That's a very thorough walkthrough, well done! Personally I have never been a big fan of strategy games (with a few exceptions) but for all the Risk players here this seems like a wet dream.
  3. Refalm

    Refalm rafalm is idot die Führung

  4. !nfusOH™

    !nfusOH™ Praise the Lord. Kinda. Verwaltungsbeamte

    Vatican City (Holy See)
    If I see Kotsende or you defending Amsterdam, it's gg for everyone

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