Welcome to the µCosmos job board. Where unfinished projects are displayed that really need to get fixed. If you're taking one, reply to this thread. The reward will be one beer of your choice. Program that automatically clicks on OK in a Windows dialog Explanation Every time the game server decides to commit sudoku and be an hero, it displays a dialog like this: Objective Create a program that monitors for dialogs in Windows, then automatically clicks on "OK". Update syn-plugin to work with the latest Sourcemod [Gravitatie Kat] Explanation syn-plugin is a Sourcemod addon that's specifically for Synergy servers. It provides bug fixes, the ability to teleport to someone, additions to make gameplay more fluid and faster, remove ragdolls (less lag), etc. Objective Make syn-plugin work with the latest Sourcemod, which uses SDKHooks 2.1, while syn-plugin relies on SDKHooks 1. Original link https://code.google.com/p/synplugin/ Hide 'n Seek gamemode for Minecraft Explanation A prophunt plugin for Minecraft. Porting over the experience you had in Team Fortress 2 and Garry's Mod with this fun gamemode. Objective Create a hide 'n seek plugin for Minecraft. Original link https://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/tomskiesprophunt/
I will fix the Hell's Gate map. Edit: I can take a look at Synplugin too. Edit: I can't update hells_gate if it's gm_flatgrass.