HELP! Een vriend van mij gebruikt Cygwin. Hier is zijn motivatie: "maar ik werk weleens met cygwin, een unix kloon, om data mee te manipuleren / samen te voegen en voor de kleine tooltjes zoals, sed, awk, ls etc. altijd handig!" Wat moet ik doen om hem te redden?
Cygwin is really handy, but it seems that your friend is only using the GNU Core Utilities. That's fine, but I recommend busybox for that. Cygwin is really huge, and can do much more than just sed, awk, etc. If he just wants to manipulate data and do other stuff included in coreutils he should use busybox. You can download busybox here:
How about using GNU toolchain and AWK with any application, back and forth? That's why getting Linux is always better than Cygwin. If you don't play games on your laptop, there's no reason at all to keep Windows on it.