[SM] λlsnana(H λ l f l i f e2) µC: Permanently banned player "Ruza" (reason: Admin disrepect). Why i banned him cuz hes begining to be an asshole like a troll when i told him to stop voice he didint then i ignored him after few secs he called me a cheater for spawning a combine which has no weapons Then i told him i am an admin after few secs i wanted to talk to him but he told me STFU I HATE YOu then i told him Listen to me i am an admin. Then he says SHUT UP And i banned him I say hes like 12 years old or hes trollin :O
OH andie today you fucking admin(s) returned to harsh life in Slovakia Die today you fucking admin(s) returned to harsh life in Slovakia Die today you fucking admin(s) returned to harsh life in Slovakia Die today you fucking admin(s) returned to harsh life in Slovakia Die today you fucking admin(s) returned to harsh life in Slovakia Die today you fucking admin(s) returned to harsh life in Slovakia Die today you fucking admin(s) returned to harsh life in Slovakia Die today you fucking admin(s) returned to harsh life in Slovakia Chuckleman: ! Ruza returned to harsh life in Slovakia Chuckleman returned to harsh life in United States He keeps rejoining too
I would have used 'happy' on him first, and if after that he didn't comply I would have banned him for, like, an hour. I tend not to go straight for the permaban. Next time, play around with the troll a bit first, ok? I'm not saying you did wrong, just ease it towards a ban.
You don't have to make a new topic for every guy you ban. Just give the steamid and reason to Refalm and he will sync the ban. Actually, you haven't given his SteamID at all. Post his SteamID here within 24 hours please.
Aragh Dang it You were guys offline And luckliy I typed the steam id in my notepad now its gone >>> By Gravity Cat: Stop doubleposting, it's annoying.<<< Sry for double post well not do it again >>> By Gravity Cat: That's ok <<<