Image | Title | Text |
Smilies |
Angry | :angry: :mad: >:( :@ | |
Anguished | :anguished: :oops: | |
Astonished | :astonished: | |
Blush | :blush: | |
Cold Sweat | :coldsweat: | |
Confounded | :confounded: :-\ | |
Confused | :confused: ??? | |
Cry | :cry: :'( | |
Crying Cat | :cryingcat: | |
Disappointed | :disappointed: | |
Disappointed but Relieved | :disrelieved: | |
Dizzy | :dizzy: | |
Expressionless | :expressionless: | |
Fear Scream | :fearscream: | |
Fearful | :fearful: :eek: :o | |
Flushed | :flushed: | |
Frowning | :frowning: :( | |
Grimacing | :grimacing: | |
Grin | :grin: :D | |
Grinning | :grinning: ;D | |
Heart Eyes | :hearteyes: | |
Heart Eyes Cat | :hearteyecat: | |
Hushed | :hushed: :-[ | |
Imp | :imp: | |
Innocent | :innocent: O:-) | |
Joy Cat | :joycat: | |
Kissing | :kissing: :-* | |
Kissing Cat | :kissingcat: | |
Kissing Eyes Closed | :kissingclosed: | |
Kissing Heart | :kissingheart: | |
Kissing Smiling | :kissingsmiling: | |
Laughing | :laughing: :)) | |
Mask | :mask: | |
Neutral | :neutral: | |
No Mouth | :nomouth: :-X | |
Open Mouth | :openmouth: | |
Pensive | :pensive: | |
Persevere | :persevere: | |
Pouting Cat | :poutingcat: | |
Rage | :rage: | |
Relaxed | :relaxed: | |
Relieved | :relieved: | |
Scream Cat | :screamcat: | |
Sleeping | :sleeping: :zzz: | |
Sleepy | :sleepy: | |
Smile | :smile: :) :-) (: | |
Smile Cat | :smilecat: | |
Smiley | :smiley: | |
Smiley Cat | :smileycat: | |
Smiling Imp | :smilingimp: >:D | |
Smirk | :smirk: | |
Smirk Cat | :smirkcat: | |
Sob | :sob: | |
Sunglasses | :sunglasses: 8-) | |
Sweat | :sweat: | |
Sweat Smile | :sweatsmile: | |
Tears of Joy | :tearsofjoy: | |
Tired | :tired: | |
Tongue Closed Eyes | :tongueclosed: X-P | |
Tongue Out | :tongueout: :p :P :-p :-P | |
Tongue Wink | :tonguewink: ;P | |
Triumph | :triumph: | |
Unamused | :unamused: | |
Weary | :weary: | |
Wink | :wink: ;) | |
Worried | :worried: | |
Yum | :yum: | |
µCosmos |
112 daar red je levens mee | :112: | |
<3 Linux | :linux: | |
Bang head | :banghead: | |
Blablabla | :bla: | |
Bonzi Buddy | :bonzi: | |
Bow-Wow | :bow-wow: | |
Cranky Kong | :crankykong: | |
Diddy Kong | :diddykong: | |
Dolan | :dolan: | |
Donkey Kong | :donkeykong: | |
Dorus | :dorus: | |
Facepalm | :facepalm: | |
Fat | :fat: | |
Gabe Newell | :gaben: | |
Gay | :gay: | |
Genocide | :genocide: | |
Giant enemy crab | :crab: | |
:google: | ||
Groovy | :groovy: | |
Homer Simpson | :homer: | |
it is a mystery | it is a mystery | |
It's a me, Mario! | :itsamemaria: | |
KABOOM! | :kaboom: | |
Marihuana | :-Q | |
Mario | :mario: | |
Mark van Kalsbeek | :markvkalsbeek: | |
Mudkip | :mudkip: | |
Nerd | :nerd: | |
Netscape now! | :netscape: | |
Not working | :notworking: | |
Nyan | :nyan: | |
Parents don't understand | :parents: | |
Peanut Butter Jelly Time | :peanutbutterjellytime: | |
Pimp | :pimp: | |
Play it loud! | :playitloud: | |
Pretty cool guy | :prettycoolguy: | |
Psyduck | :psyduck: | |
RAPE | :rape: | |
Red Virus | :redvirus: | |
Scary | :ohnohelp: | |
Shaq | :shaq: | |
Ska | :ska: | |
Slowpoke | :slowpoke: | |
Smoke weed | :weedbong: | |
Sonic the Hedgehog | :sonic: | |
Spooked my guts off | :spookedmygutsoff: | |
Swag | :swag: | |
Tasmanian Devil | :taz: | |
ToeJam | :toejam: | |
Tux | :tux: | |
Weed | :weed: :wiet: | |
Weighted Companion Cube | :companion: | |
WTF | :wtf: o_O O_o o.O O.o | |
Roll Eyes | :rolleyes: ::) | |
Zwarte Piet | :piet: | |
Ome Adolf | :adolf: | |
Bongo | :bongo: | |
Nigger | :nigger: | |
Watermeloen | :watermeloen: | |
:sjor: | Sjorren | |
Blow job | 8===D m(_ _)m | |
Blue Buttons |
Arrow Back | :arrowback: | |
Arrow Down | :arrowdown: | |
Arrow Heading Down | :arrowheaddown: | |
Arrow Heading Up | :arrowheadup: | |
Arrow Right | :arrowright: | |
Arrow Small Down | :arrowsmalldown: | |
Arrow Small Up | :arrowsmallup: | |
Arrow Up | :arrowup: | |
Capital ABCD | :abcd: | |
Cinema | :cinema: | |
Clockwise Right Left Arrows | :clockwiserightleftarrow: | |
Clockwise Right Left Arrows Open | :clockrlopen: | |
CounterClock Left Right Arrows | :counterclockupdown: | |
Double Down | :doubledown: | |
Double Up | :doubleup: | |
Eight | :eight: | |
Fast Forward | :fastforward: | |
Five | :five: | |
Four | :four: | |
Hashtag | :hashtag: | |
Info Source | :infosource: | |
Left Arrow Hook | :larrowhook: | |
Left Right Arrow | :lrarrow: | |
Letters | :letters: | |
Lowercase abcd | :lowerabcd: | |
Nine | :nine: | |
North East Arrow | :nearrow: | |
North West Arrow | :nwarrow: | |
Numbers | :numbers: | |
One | :one: | |
Play | :play: | |
Put Litter In Place | :putlitter: | |
Restroom | :restroom: | |
Rewind | :rewind: | |
Right Arrow Hook | :rarrowhook: | |
Seven | :seven: | |
Signal Strength | :signalstrength: | |
Six | :six: | |
Skip Backward | :skipback: | |
South East Arrow | :searrow: | |
South West Arrow | :swarrow: | |
Squared Cool | :squaredcool: :cool: | |
Squared Free | :squaredfree: | |
Squared Katana Koko | :katanakoko: | |
Squared New | :squarednew: | |
Squared NG | :squaredng: | |
Squared OK | :squaredok: | |
Squared Up! | :squaredup: | |
Symbols | :symbols: | |
Ten | :ten: | |
Three | :three: | |
Top w/Arrow | :topwarrow: | |
Twisted Rightwards Arrow | :twistedrightarrow: | |
Two | :two: | |
Up Down Arrow | :udarrow: | |
Zero | :zero: | |
Travel |
Aerial Tramway | :aerialtramway: | |
Airplane | :airplane: | |
Ambulance | :ambulance: | |
Bicyclist | :bicyclist: | |
Bike | :bike: | |
Blue Car | :bluecar: | |
Bullet Train | :bullettrain: | |
Bullet Train Side | :bullettrainside: | |
Bus | :bus: | |
Car | :car: | |
Fire Engine | :fireengine: | |
Helicopter | :helicopter: | |
Light Rail | :lightrail: | |
Locomotive | :locomotive: | |
Lorry | :lorry: | |
Minibus | :minibus: | |
Monorail | :monorail: | |
Mountain Cableway | :mountaincableway: | |
Mountain Railway | :mountainrailway: | |
Mountian Biker | :mountainbiker: | |
Oncoming Bus | :oncomingbus: | |
Oncoming Car | :oncomingcar: | |
Oncoming Police | :oncomingpolice: | |
Oncoming Taxi | :oncomingtaxi: | |
Police Car | :policecar: | |
Railway Car | :railwaycar: | |
Rocket | :rocket: | |
Rowboat | :rowboat: | |
Runner | :runner: | |
Sailboat | :sailboat: | |
Snowboarder | :snowboarder: | |
Speedboat | :speedboat: | |
Station | :station: | |
Surfer | :surfer: | |
Suspension Railway | :suspensionrailway: | |
Swimmer | :swimmer: | |
Taxi | :taxi: | |
Tractor | :tractor: | |
Traffic Light | :trafficlight: | |
Traffic Light 2 | :trafficlight2: | |
Train | :train: | |
Tram | :tram: | |
TramCar | :tramcar: | |
Trolley Bus | :trolleybus: | |
Truck | :truck: | |
Walking | :walking: | |
Nature |
Ant | :ant: | |
Baby Chick | :babychick: | |
Bactrian Camel | :bactriancamel: | |
Bear Face | :bearface: | |
Bee | :bee: | |
Beetle | :beetle: | |
Bird | :bird: | |
Blossom | :blossom: | |
Blowfish | :blowfish: | |
Boar | :boar: | |
Bug | :bug: | |
Cactus | :cactus: | |
Cat | :cat: | |
Cat Face | :catface: | |
Cherry Blossom | :cherryblossom: | |
Chicken | :chicken: | |
Cow | :cow: | |
Cow Face | :cowface: | |
Crocodile | :crocodile: | |
Deciduous | :deciduous: | |
Dog | :dog: | |
Dog Face | :dogface: | |
Dolphin | :dolphin: | |
Dragon | :dragon: | |
Dragon Face | :dragonface: | |
Dromedary Camel | :dromedarycamel: | |
Elephant | :elephant: | |
Evergreen | :evergreen: | |
Fallen Leaf | :fallenleaf: | |
Fish | :fish: | |
Four Leaf Clover | :fourleaf: | |
Frog Face | :frogface: | |
Goat | :goat: | |
Hamster Face | :hamsterface: | |
Hatched Chick | :hatchedchick: | |
Hatching Chick | :hatchingchick: | |
Herb | :herb: | |
Hibiscus | :hibiscus: | |
Horse Face | :horseface: | |
Horse Racing | :horseracing: | |
Koala | :koala: | |
Leaf in Wind | :leafwind: | |
Leopard | :leopard: | |
Maple Leaf | :mapleleaf: | |
Monkey | :monkey: | |
Monkey Face | :monkeyface: | |
Mouse | :mouse: | |
Mouse Face | :mouseface: | |
Ocean | :ocean: | |
Octopus | :octopus: :j0ttem: | |
Ox | :ox: | |
Palm Tree | :palmtree: | |
Panda Face | :pandaface: | |
Penguin | :penguin: | |
Pig | :pig: | |
Pig Face | :pigface: | |
Pig Nose | :pignose: | |
Poodle | :poodle: | |
Rabbit | :rabbit: | |
Rabbit Face | :rabbitface: | |
Race Horse | :racehorse: | |
Ram | :ram: | |
Rat | :rat: | |
Rooster | :rooster: | |
Rose | :rose: | |
Seedling | :seedling: | |
Sheep | :sheep: | |
Snail | :snail: | |
Snake | :snake: | |
Snowflake | :snowflake: | |
Snowman | :snowman: | |
Spiral Shell | :spiralshell: | |
Spouting Whale | :spoutingwhale: | |
Sunflower | :sunflower: | |
Tanabata Tree | :tanabata: | |
Tiger | :tiger: | |
Tiger Face | :tigerface: | |
Tropical Fish | :tropicalfish: | |
Tulip | :tulip: | |
Turtle | :turtle: | |
Water Buffalo | :waterbuffalo: | |
Whale | :whale: | |
Wolf Face | :wolfface: | |
Food |
Banana | :banana: | |
Beer Cheers | :beercheers: | |
Beer Mug | :beermug: | |
Bread | :bread: | |
Candy | :candy: | |
Candy Bar | :candybar: | |
Cherries | :cherries: | |
Chestnut | :chestnut: | |
Chicken Leg | :chickenleg: | |
Cocktail Glass | :cocktail: | |
Coffee | :coffee: | |
Cookie | :cookie: | |
Cooking Egg | :cookingegg: | |
Curry and Rice | :curryrice: | |
Custard | :custard: | |
Dango | :dango: | |
Doughnut | :doughnut: | |
Ear of Maize | :maize: | |
Ear of Rice | :rice: | |
Eggplant | :eggplant: | |
Fish Cake | :fishcake: | |
French Fries | :frenchfries: | |
Fried Shrimp | :friedshrimp: | |
Grapes | :grapes: | |
Green Apple | :greenapple: | |
Hamburger | :hamburger: | |
Honey Pot | :honeypot: | |
Ice Cream | :icecream: | |
Ice Cream Cone | :icecreamcone: | |
Lemon | :lemon: | |
Lollipop | :lollipop: | |
Meat on Bone | :meatbone: | |
Melon | :melon: | |
Mushroom | :mushroom: | |
Oden | :oden: | |
Peach | :peach: | |
Pear | :pear: | |
Pineapple | :pineapple: | |
Pizza | :pizza: | |
Ramen | :ramen: | |
Red Apple | :redapple: | |
Rice Ball | :riceball: | |
Rice Cooked | :ricecooked: | |
Rice Cracker | :ricecracker: | |
Sake | :sake: | |
Shaved Ice | :shavedice: | |
Shortcake | :shortcake: | |
Spaghetti | :spaghetti: | |
Stew | :stew: | |
Strawberry | :strawberry: | |
Sushi | :sushi: | |
Sweet Potato | :sweetpotato: | |
Tangerine | :tangerine: | |
Teacup | :teacup: | |
Tomato | :tomato: | |
Tropical Drink | :tropicaldrink: | |
Watermelon | :watermelon: | |
Wine Glass | :wineglass: | |
Places |
Bank | :bank: | |
Bridge Night | :bridgenight: | |
Bus Stop | :busstop: | |
Carousel Horse | :carouselhorse: | |
China | :china: | |
Church | :church: | |
Circus Tent | :circustent: | |
City Sunrise | :citysunrise: | |
Cityscape Dusk | :cityscapedusk: | |
Convenience Store | :conveniencestore: | |
Department Store | :departmentstore: | |
European Castle | :eurocastle: | |
European Post Office | :europo: | |
Factory | :factory: | |
Ferris Wheel | :ferriswheel: | |
Firework Sparkler | :fsparkler: | |
Fireworks | :fireworks: | |
Foggy | :foggy: | |
Fountain | :fountain: | |
France | :france: | |
Germany | :germany: | |
Great Britain | :greatbritain: | |
Hospital | :hospital: | |
Hotel | :hotel: | |
House | :house: | |
House w/Garden | :housegarden: | |
Italy | :italy: | |
Japan | :japan: | |
Japanese Castle | :japanesecastle: | |
Japanese Post Office | :japanesepo: | |
Korea | :korea: | |
Love Hotel | :lovehotel: | |
Milky Way | :milkyway: | |
Moon Viewing Ceremony | :moonceremony: | |
Mount Fuji | :mtfuji: | |
Night Stars | :nightstars: | |
Office Building | :officebuilding: | |
Rainbow | :rainbow: | |
Roller Coaster | :rollercoaster: | |
Russia | :russia: | |
School | :school: | |
Ship | :ship: | |
Shooting Star | :shootingstar: | |
Silhouette of Japan | :silhouettejapan: | |
Spain | :spain: | |
Statue of Liberty | :statueofliberty: | |
Sunrise | :sunrise: | |
Sunrise Mountains | :sunrisemountains: | |
Tent | :tent: | |
Tokyo Tower | :tokyotower: | |
United States | :unitedstates: | |
Volcano | :volcano: | |
Wedding | :wedding: | |
Symbols |
100 | :100: | |
Anger Symbol | :angersymbol: | |
Aquarius | :aquarius: | |
Aries | :aries: | |
Asterisk | :asterisk: | |
ATM | :atm: | |
Baby Symbol | :babysymbol: | |
Back w/Arrow | :backwarrow: | |
Baggage Claim | :baggageclaim: | |
Ballot Box w/Check | :ballotcheck: | |
Bar Chart | :barchart: | |
Black Large Square | :blsquare: | |
Black Medium Small Square | :bmssquare: | |
Black Medium Square | :bmsquare: | |
Black Small Square | :bssquare: | |
Black Square Button | :bsbutton: | |
Blue Heart | :blueheart: | |
Boom | :boom: | |
Broken Heart | :brokenheart: | |
Bust in Silhouette | :bustsilhouette: | |
Busts In Silhouette | :bustsinsilhouette: | |
Cancer | :cancer: | |
Capital A | :capitala: | |
Capital B | :capitalb: | |
Capital O | :capitalo: | |
Capital P | :capitalp: | |
Capricorn | :capricorn: | |
Chart Down | :chartdown: | |
Chart Up Yen | :chartupyen: | |
Charting Up | :chartingup: | |
Children Crossing | :childrencrossing: | |
Circle | :circle: | |
Circle M | :circlem: | |
CJK Ideograph 5272 | :u5272: | |
CJK Ideograph 5408 | :u5408: | |
CJK Ideograph 55b6 | :u55b6: | |
CJK Ideograph 6307 | :u6307: | |
CJK Ideograph 6708 | :u6708: | |
CJK Ideograph 6709 | :u6709: | |
CJK Ideograph 6e80 | :u6e80: | |
CJK Ideograph 7121 | :u7121: | |
CJK Ideograph 7533 | :u7533: | |
CJK Ideograph 7981 | :u7981: | |
CJK Ideograph 7a7a | :u7a7a: | |
Clockwise Down Up Arrows Open | :clockdownupopen: | |
Congratulations | :congrats: | |
Copyright | :copyright: | |
Cross Mark | :crossmark: | |
Curly Loop | :curlyloop: | |
Currency Exchange | :currencyexchange: | |
Customs | :customs: | |
Cyclone | :cyclone: | |
Daimond w/Dot Inside | :diamonddot: | |
Dash Symbol | :dashsymbol: | |
Division | :division: | |
Dizzy Symbol | :dizzysymbol: | |
Do Not Litter | :donotlitter: | |
Dollar Sign | :dollarsign: | |
Double Curly Loop | :doublecurlyloop: | |
Double Exclamation | :!!: | |
:email: | ||
Email Symbol | :emailsymbol: | |
End w/Arrow | :endwarrow: | |
Envelope w/Arrow | :envelopearrow: | |
Exclamation | :exclamation: | |
Exclamation Question | :!?: | |
Exclamation w/Arrow | :exclamationarrow: | |
Footprints | :footprints: | |
Gemini | :gemini: | |
Glowing Star | :glowingstar: | |
Green Cross | :greencross: | |
Green Heart | :greenheart: | |
Heart | :heart: | |
Heart Decoration | :heartdecoration: | |
Heart Pulse | :heartpulse: | |
Heart w/Arrow | :heartarrow: | |
Heart w/Ribbon | :heartribbon: | |
Heartbeat | :heartbeat: | |
Heavy Check Mark | :heavycheck: | |
Heavy Multiply | :heavymultiply: | |
High Brightness | :highbrightness: | |
High Voltage | :zap: | |
Hot Springs | :hotsprings: | |
Ideograph Accept | :accept: | |
Ideograph Advantage | :advantage: | |
Japanese Beginner | :japanesebeginner: | |
Large Blue Circle | :largebluecircle: | |
Large Blue Diamond | :largebluediamond: | |
Large Orange Diamond | :largeorangediamond: | |
Large Red Circle | :largeredcircle: | |
Left Luggage | :leftluggage: | |
Leo | :leo: | |
Libra | :libra: | |
Low Brightness | :lowbrightness: | |
Mahjong Red Dragon | :reddragon: | |
Medium Black Circle | :mbcircle: | |
Medium White Circle | :mwcirlce: | |
Mens | :mens: | |
Metro | :metro: | |
Minus | :minus: | |
Mobile Off | :mobileoff: | |
Mobile Vibration | :mobilevibration: | |
Music Notes | :musicnotes: | |
Musical Note | :musicalnote: | |
Musical Score | :musicalscore: | |
No Bikes | :nobikes: | |
No Entry | :noentry: | |
No Entry | :noentrysign: | |
No Mobile | :nomobile: | |
No One Under 18 | :no18: | |
No Pedestrians | :nopedestrians: | |
No Smoking | :nosmoking: | |
Non-Potable Water | :nonpotablewater: | |
Ophiuchus | :ophiuchus: | |
Orange Star | :4star: | |
Part Alternation Mark | :pamark: | |
Partly Sunny | :partlysunny: | |
Passport Control | :passportcontrol: | |
Paw Prints | :pawprints: | |
Peace | :peace: | |
Picses | :picses: | |
Plus Sign | :plus: | |
Point Up | :pointup: | |
Potable Water | :potablewater: | |
Purple Heart | :purpleheart: | |
Question | :question: | |
Question White | :questionwhite: | |
Radio Button | :radiobutton: | |
Recycle | :recycle: | |
Registered | :registered: | |
Revolving Heart | :revolvingheart: | |
Sagittarius | :sagittarius: | |
Scorpius | :scorpius: | |
Secret | :secret: | |
Six Pointed Star | :sixpointedstar: | |
Sleeping Symbol | :sleepsymbol: | |
Small Blue Diamond | :smallbluediamond: | |
Small Orange Diamond | :smallorangediamond: | |
Small Red Triangle | :smallredtriangle: | |
Small Red Triangle Down | :smallredtriangledown: | |
Soon w/Arrow | :soonarrow: | |
Sparkle | :sparkle: | |
Sparkles | :sparkles: | |
Sparkling Heart | :sparklingheart: | |
Squared AB | :squaredab: | |
Squared CL | :squaredcl: | |
Squared ID | :squaredid: | |
Squared Katana Sa | :katanasa: | |
Squared SOS | :squaredsos: | |
Squared Vs. | :squaredvs: | |
Star | :star: | |
Taurus | :taurus: | |
Trademark | :tm: | |
Trident Emblem | :tridentemblem: | |
Two Hearts | :twohearts: | |
Virgo | :virgo: | |
Warning Sign | :warning: | |
Water Closet | :watercloset: | |
Wavy Dash | :wavydash: | |
Wheelchair | :wheelchair: | |
White Check Mark | :whitecheck: | |
White Exclamation | :whiteexclamation: | |
White Flower | :whiteflower: | |
White Large Square | :wlsquare: | |
White Medium Small Square | :wmssquare: | |
White Medium Square | :wmsquare: | |
White Small Square | :wssquare: | |
White Square Button | :wsbutton: | |
Womens | :womens: | |
Yellow Heart | :yellowheart: | |
Space |
Black Sun w/Rays | :blacksunrays: | |
Cloud | :cloud: | |
Crescent Moon | :crescentmoon: | |
Earth Americas | :earthamericas: | |
Earth Asia-Aus | :earthasiaaus: | |
Earth Euro-Africa | :eartheurafr: | |
First Quarter Moon | :firstqmoon: | |
First Quarter Moon w/Face | :firstqmoonface: | |
Full Moon | :fullmoon: | |
Full Moon w/Face | :fullmoonface: | |
Globe Meridians | :globemeridians: | |
Last Quarter Moon | :lastqmoon: | |
Last Quarter Moon w/Face | :lastqmoonface: | |
New Moon | :newmoon: | |
New Moon w/Face | :newmoonface: :nigga: | |
Sun w/Face | :sunface: | |
Waning Crescent Moon | :wancrescent: | |
Waning Gibbous Moon | :wangibbous: | |
Waxing Crescent Moon | :waxcrescent: | |
Waxing Gibbous Moon | :waxgibbous: | |
Time |
Time 10:00 | :time10: | |
Time 10:30 | :time1030: | |
Time 11:00 | :time11: | |
Time 11:30 | :time1130: | |
Time 12:00 | :time12: | |
Time 12:30 | :time1230: | |
Time 1:00 | :time1: | |
Time 1:30 | :time130: | |
Time 2:00 | :time2: | |
Time 2:30 | :time230: | |
Time 3:00 | :time3: | |
Time 3:30 | :time330: | |
Time 4:00 | :time4: | |
Time 4:30 | :time430: | |
Time 5:00 | :time5: | |
Time 5:30 | :time530: | |
Time 6:00 | :time6: | |
Time 6:30 | :time630: | |
Time 7:00 | :time7: | |
Time 7:30 | :time730: | |
Time 8:00 | :time8: | |
Time 8:30 | :time830: | |
Time 9:00 | :time9: | |
Time 9:30 | :time930: | |
Human |
Baby | :baby: | |
Baby Angel | :babyangel: | |
Bowing | :bowing: | |
Boy | :boy: | |
Bride | :bride: | |
Construction Worker | :constructionworker: | |
Couple Kiss | :couplekiss: | |
Couple w/Heart | :coupleheart: | |
Dancer | :dancer: | |
Dancers | :dancers: | |
Ear | :ear: | |
Family | :family: | |
Fist | :fist: | |
Girl | :girl: | |
Gua Pi Mo | :guapimo: | |
Guardsman | :guardsman: | |
Haircut | :haircut: | |
Hand | :hand: | |
Hand Fist | :handfist: | |
Hand OK | :handok: | |
Hand Point Down | :handpointdown: | |
Hand Point Left | :handpointleft: | |
Hand Point Right | :handpointright: | |
Hand Point Up | :handpointup: | |
Hand Waving | :handwaving: | |
Hands Clapping | :clapping: | |
Hands Open | :handsopen: | |
Hands Praying | :praying: | |
Head Massage | :headmassage: | |
Info Desk Person | :infodeskperson: | |
Man | :man: | |
Man/Woman Holding Hands | :holdinghands: | |
Men Holding Hands | :menholdinghands: | |
Mouth | :mouth: | |
Muscle | :muscle: | |
Nail Polish | :nailpolish: | |
No Good | :nogood: | |
Nose | :nose: | |
Okay | :okay: | |
Old Man | :oldman: | |
Old Woman | :oldwoman: | |
Person Blonde Hair | :personblonde: | |
Person Frowning | :personfrowning: | |
Person Pouting | :personpouting: | |
Police Officer | :policeofficer: C:-) | |
Princess | :princess: | |
Raised Hands | :raisedhands: | |
Raising Hand | :raisinghand: | |
Santa | :santa: | |
Thumbs Down | :thumbsdown: | |
Thumbs Up | :thumbsup: | |
Tongue | :tongue: | |
Turban | :turban: | |
Woman | :woman: | |
Women Holding Hands | :womenholdinghands: | |
Clothing |
Athletic Shoe | :athleticshoe: | |
Bikini | :bikini: | |
Briefcase | :briefcase: | |
Closed Umbrella | :closedumbrella: | |
Dress | :dress: | |
Eyeglasses | :eyeglasses: | |
Graduation Cap | :gradcap: | |
Handbag | :handbag: | |
Headphones | :headphones: | |
High Heel | :highheel: | |
Jeans | :jeans: | |
Kimono | :kimono: | |
Lipstick | :lipstick: | |
Mans Shoe | :mansshoe: | |
Name Badge | :namebadge: | |
Necktie | :necktie: | |
Pouch | :pouch: | |
Purse | :purse: | |
Ribbon | :ribbon: | |
Ring | :ring: | |
Running Shirt w/Sash | :runshirtsash: | |
School Satchel | :schoolsatchel: | |
Top Hat | :tophat: | |
TShirt | :tshirt: | |
Umbrella w/Rain Drops | :umbrellarain: | |
Watch | :watch: | |
Womans Boots | :womansboots: | |
Womans Clothes | :womansclothes: | |
Womans Hat | :womanshat: | |
Womans Sandal | :womanssandal: | |
Extended |
8 Ball | :8ball: | |
Alarm Clock | :alarmclock: | |
Alien | :alien: | |
Anchor | :anchor: | |
Artist Palette | :artpalette: | |
Baby Bottle | :babybottle: | |
Balloon | :balloon: | |
Banknote Dollar | :dollar: | |
Banknote Euro | :euro: | |
Banknote GBP | :gbp: | |
Banknote Yen | :yen: | |
Barber Pole | :barberpole: | |
Baseball | :baseball: | |
Basketball | :basketball: | |
Bath | :bath: | |
Bathtub | :bathtub: | |
Battery | :battery: | |
Bell | :bell: | |
Bell Cancel | :bellcancel: | |
Bento Box | :bento: | |
Birthday Cake | :birthdaycake: | |
Black Nib | :blacknib: | |
Black Telephone | :blacktelephone: | |
Blue Book | :bluebook: | |
Bomb | :bomb: | |
Bookmark | :bookmark: | |
Bookmarks Tab | :bookmarktab: | |
Books | :books: | |
Bouquet | :bouquet: | |
Bowling | :bowling: | |
Calendar | :calendar: | |
Camera | :camera: | |
Carp Streamer | :carpstreamer: | |
CD | :cd: | |
Checkered Flag | :checkeredflag: | |
Christmas Tree | :christmastree: | |
Clapper Board | :clapperboard: | |
Clipboard | :clipboard: | |
Closed Book | :closedbook: | |
Closed Lock w/Key | :closedlockkey: | |
Clubs | :clubs: | |
Confetti Ball | :confettiball: | |
Construction | :construction: | |
Credit Card | :creditcard: | |
Crossed Flags | :crossedflags: | |
Crown | :crown: | |
Crystal Ball | :crystalball: | |
Darts | :darts: | |
Date | :date: | |
Diamonds | :diamondsuit: | |
Door | :door: | |
Droplet | :droplet: | |
DVD | :dvd: | |
Electric Plug | :electricplug: | |
Eyes | :eyes: | |
Fax Machine | :fax: | |
File Folder | :filefolder: | |
Fire | :fire: | |
Flagstick | :flagstick: | |
Flashlight | :flashlight: | |
Floppy Disk | :floppy: | |
Flower Playing Cards | :flowercards: | |
Football | :football: | |
Fork and Knife | :forkknife: | |
Fuel Pump | :fuelpump: | |
Game Die | :gamedie: | |
Gem Stone | :gemstone: | |
Ghost | :ghost: | |
Gift | :gift: | |
Green Book | :greenbook: | |
Guitar | :guitar: | |
Gun | :gun: | |
Hammer | :hammer: | |
Hear No Evil | :hearnoevil: | |
Hearts | :heartssuit: | |
Hourglass | :hourglass: | |
Hourglass w/Flowing Sand | :hourglasssand: | |
Inbox | :inbox: | |
Incoming Envelope | :incomingenvelope: | |
IPhone | :iphone: | |
Izakaya Lantern | :isakayalantern: | |
Jack O' Latern | :jackolantern: | |
Japanese Dolls | :japanesedolls: | |
Japanese Goblin | :japanesegoblin: | |
Japanese Ogre | :japaneseogre: | |
Joker Card | :jokercard: | |
Key | :key: | |
Kiss | :kiss: | |
Knife | :knife: | |
Ledger | :ledger: | |
Left Magnify | :leftmagnify: | |
Light Bulb | :lightbulb: | |
Link | :link: | |
Lock | :lock: | |
Lock w/Ink | :lockink: | |
Loud Speaker | :loudspeaker: | |
Love Letter | :loveletter: | |
Mail Closed Flag Lowered | :mailclosedflaglower: | |
Mail Closed Flag Up | :mailclosedflagup | |
Mail Open Flag Lowered | :mailopenflaglower: | |
Mail Open Flag Up | :mailopenflagup: | |
Megaphone | :megaphone: | |
Memo | :memo: | |
Microphone | :microphone: | |
Microscope | :microscope: | |
Mini Disc | :minidisc: | |
Mobile Calling | :mobilecalling: | |
Money Bag | :moneybag: | |
Money Wings | :moneywings: | |
Movie Camera | :moviecamera: | |
Moyai | :moyai: | |
Music Keyboard | :musickeyboard: | |
Mute | :mute: | |
Newspaper | :newspaper: | |
Notebook | :notebook: | |
Notebook w/Decorative Cover | :notebookdecorative: | |
Nut And Bolt | :nutbolt: | |
Open Book | :openbook: | |
Open File Folder | :openfile: | |
Open Lock | :openlock: | |
Orange Book | :orangebook: | |
Outbox | :outbox: | |
Package | :package: | |
Page Facing Up | :pagefaceup: | |
Page w/Curl | :pagecurl: | |
Pager | :pager: | |
Paperclip | :paperclip: | |
Party Pooper | :partypooper: | |
Pencil | :pencil: | |
Performing Arts | :performingarts: | |
Personal Computer | :personalcomputer: | |
Pill | :pill: | |
Pine Decoration | :pinedecoration: | |
Poop | :pileofpoop: | |
Postal Horn | :postalhorn: | |
Postbox | :postbox: | |
PushPin | :pushpin: | |
Radio | :radio: | |
Right Magnify | :rightmagnify: | |
Roladex | :roladex: | |
Rotating Light | :rotatinglight: | |
Round PushPin | :roundpushpin: | |
Rugby | :rugby: | |
Satellite | :satellite: | |
Saxophone | :sax: | |
Scissors | :scissors: | |
Scroll | :scroll: | |
Seat | :seat: | |
See No Evil | :seenoevil: | |
Shower | :shower: | |
Skis | :skis: | |
Skull | :skull: | |
Slot Machine | :slotmachine: | |
Smoking | :smoking: | |
Soccer Ball | :soccerball: | |
Space Invader | :spaceinvader: | |
Spades | :spades: | |
Speak No Evil | :speaknoevil: | |
Speaker | :speaker: | |
Speaker One Sound Wave | :speakerone: | |
Speaker Three Sound Wave | :speakerthree: | |
Speech Balloon | :speechballoon: | |
Straight Ruler | :straightruler: | |
Sweat Drops | :sweatdrops: | |
Syringe | :syringe: | |
Telephone Receiver | :telephonereceiver: | |
Telescope | :telescope: | |
Television | :television: | |
Tennis Ball | :tennisball: | |
Thought Balloon | :thoughtballoon: | |
Ticket | :ticket: | |
Toilet | :toilet: | |
Traingular Ruler | :triangularruler: | |
Triangular Flag | :triangularflag: | |
Trophy | :trophy: | |
Trumpet | :trumpet: | |
VHS | :vhs: | |
Video Camera | :videocamera: | |
Video Game | :videogame: | |
Violin | :violin: | |
Wind Chime | :windchime: | |
Wrench | :wrench: |