@ Gravity Cat: You play games over 6 years old...
haha @Ping
Re: Doubleposting is fucking annoying people! Age didn't matter for this post. When I'm bored I post on everything... get used to it lol.
Ps3 is a nice console. when your pc is under maintenance....
I'm level 50 in oblivion.
My bad Ping* I'll explain when I get to a computer
nice refalm
pig... how old are you
I am sorry about spelling I still dont have my pc so I'm using my psp
jeez you guys act like kudos are not important. when your in a 9th grade photographyclass lesson you would understand
Someone here has been de-kudoing me... it hurts. I would like to know who... and why? -.- I will have to go investigator mode if no one...
Re: Doubleposting is fucking annoying people! You are mad because I attempted to troll you with my horrible spelling/grammar. I will now bake...
Im not sure the source of the attack or what files are making an attack occur but whatever it is its shutting my internet off.
I'll be back soon.
I really want a colored name in the forums.... with those pretty blocks below my name :D Pink or Blue :O Maybe green
When you put beer in the title, expect it from Grav :P
I could use some of that right about now.