Ive been skating around in the cold, it sucks...
hahaha, yeah
Viruses have overtaken my connection, we will see what happens in the next 2 weeks I can be active on forums every week day.
And... we go back to talking about alcohol................
Yeah I suppose.
Why are the forums so Desolate? :O
It snowed a shit ton last year, but for some reason we only had 2 mild snowfall's
You know your stuff!
^ yea ikr
^ ew
The only thing I have had with Disney besides when I was a kid. Was kingdom hearts and even then I hated the Disney characters.
Ahh then there will be more mods and more downloads. And I have to buy the new half life... this hall be a challenge
Does it snow often where you live?
Dreamcast was epic :P
Re: Doubleposting is fucking annoying people! I have seen that in you quite a lot.
And the Dreamcast 3000 ^ I WISH
From weather to alcohol... lol