I didn't know that ragequitting was a thing on our ZPS server. Are they also coming back? If so, a temporary ban is in order.
Sorry, missed it because I was busy studying. However I am available tonight and the rest of the weekend if you want to play KF. :mario:
That's a very thorough walkthrough, well done! Personally I have never been a big fan of strategy games (with a few exceptions) but for all the...
On the forum there is a subforum "Become an admin". There are a few pinned topics that you should read that will help you submit an admin...
I used to be on the top, a long time ago. :)
Nice one! :diddykong:
Because you don't need the same map twice.
Why biotec twice?
[INFO] Unbanning procedure started [INFO] Attempting to unban user with Steam ID STEAM_0:1:11370 [OK] Success! Ban for user with Steam ID...
Alright, when would you like to play?
[INFO] Unbanning procedure started [INFO] Attempting to unban user with Steam ID 11370 [WARNING] Invalid Steam ID! (11370) [ERROR] Failed to unban...
Totally missed that. If your event starts within a few hours it is better to speak to people directly on Steam. I don't check the forum every...
Synergy is very buggy in general. We already have scripts monitoring the server for crashes so they are automatically restarted if necessary. We...
Besides the stability, more people means less work per player which results in walking through the level while other players do the work. This can...
Not banned. Kthxbye.
So yesterday we tried to play Ghost Recon Future Soldier, but it was late and people got tired before we had a chance to play. Also, uGay is shit....