That is the best news comming from the E3 this year.
Lets play some games that I actually own and where you all can say that i suck at it, its been to long since that has happend
Donated 6 euros
Re: Whoop FM: With markvkalsbeek! Wanneer komt de server weer online dan ga ik weer radio maken.
Fedora Hi, I am Fedora. I like to be on the leading edge of new technologies and therefore usually one step ahead of the rest. I'm flexible so if...
Put me on the list as well, I will drink some less beer for this good cause.
Re: DOOM3: Resurrection of Evil -- @ 19:00h Dutch time Tell me when you know how to than I will try to not be a to big of a hinder for you :P
So now I will get a dot behind my name.
Re: Whoop FM: With markvkalsbeek! If there is no stream it will not work, tonight I will get the stream up again.
Re: Whoop FM: With markvkalsbeek! Hoe staat het met de verzoekjesbox :P
We are live on air ;D