Oh shit, that's awesome, what are the specifications? Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk
Re: Will you get GabenBox instead of a new PC, PlayStation 4, Wii U, or Xbox 720? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grhJlt2hoYc#t=12 :gaben: There...
Re: Will you get GabenBox instead of a new PC, PlayStation 4, Wii U, or Xbox 720? First GabenBox announced. It's called the "iBuyPower Steam...
Lutris not only makes you play native and Windows games without having to turn Wine on or off, it's also got built-in emulators, and can download...
I've been maintaining the servers a lot, and most of them are doing great. We've been great, we're mostly playing on weekends. Me and Kotsende...
I reinstalled the ZPS server. Hopefully the crashing is less now. I'm also going to test a shitload of ZPO maps.
1.7.2 now works. Go hug an acadia tree, filthy hippie.
Thanks for the suggestion, if you got more improvement ideas, I'd really like to hear them.
Do video games predict children’s psychosocial adjustment? NO. What actually does cause problems is watching too much idiot box television. There...
Still using µTorrent? It's filled with advertisements and it's getting worse every version. So remove µTorrent, and use qBittorrent from now on.
It was neither for me. It was just weird. There was no warning or signs that the company was in trouble. They just sent an e-mail that I needed...
Apparently, our Minecraft host Shard Gaming is bankrupt. What this means for you: NO MINECRAFT SERVER FOR AT LEAST A WEEK UNTIL I FIND ANOTHER HOST.
Looks good, I'm taking Spanish.
Re: Will you get GabenBox instead of a new PC, PlayStation 4, Wii U, or Xbox 720? In total douchebag style (like most gaming related...
Gabe Newell at LinuxCon 2013 9/16/2013