Don't know you but welcome back.
Isn't there an official Half-Life: Source out already?
Video took 14 hours to upload. Also it hasn't been processed yet after like 10 hours. Which means no high quality and thumbnail yet.
Decided to make this video of old goals I had laying around before they release FIFA 13, here you go: FIFA 12 - Goal compilation - PC Full HD
Welcome back man.
Not for me but thanks. I use idle and Saxton hale servers.
Fill that bottle with water for real watercooling.
My goal for the tonight is not to get auto-banned again.
Meet the Pyro
Donatiebedrag: €54,00 EUR Totaal: €54,00 EUR Doel: µCosmos Donateur: Jens Neuij
Can't wait! Think the new game mode will be like scavenge mode in Left4dead2. I wonder what the random items like goldfish and planks are for.
Re: [CANCELLED] LAN party at Cat's place! 16-06-12/17-06-12 12:00 Huh, what happend?
Re: LAN party at Cat's place! 16-06-12/17-06-12 12:00 Well, I would consider coming but I have one laptop with a broken screen and the other...
Re: LAN party at Cat's place! 16-06-12/17-06-12 12:00 So basically there's one spot left?
Why isn't the Left 4 Dead being made by Valve themselves?
Yes please.
So where's the Paypal link?
Would love a hint/announcement for HL3.
As you guys noticed our TF2 server has gotten a new ip adress. The affect of this is that the amount of players joining our server has decreased...