To gossip together is my guess.
Meet the spy :)
Damn, that sucks :(
Re: Whoop FM: With markvkalsbeek! Still doesn't work :(
Re: Whoop FM: With markvkalsbeek! I don't know how to listen to it. I've tried directly opening the url and placing it in Winamp.
Sometimes the ping shoots up to 400+. Usually this is gone after a half hour or so though.
I don't even.
About 25 years late.
Never played.
Doesn't work :(
MLP isn't new.
happe birday!!!!1122
No thanks.
Nice list but you forgot Seinfeld :( I saw a commerical on Comedy Central here for it so good that it's coming back. I'm currently rewatching The...
Never played any of the Elder series.
You serious?...
It's a small community plus there aren't many ongoing topics.