If the "game" is called sex then yes. Otherwise try this: STOP WITH GAMING BEFORE YOU GO TO SLEEP!! Stop for at least 30 minutes before you even...
A bit early but in New Zealand it's already 2011 by this time so for all you µCosmos admin's and regular server/forum viewers, Happy New Year....
Happy Xmas :)
My little life story: When I was 2 I felt down the stairs and it hurted. At the age of 6 I felt off my bike and broke something. At the age of 9 I...
"Spray's" At Egomaniacs :P
Every time you guys write "AH-Mazing" It reminds me at the AH (Albert Hein), a shop in The Netherlands with less junk than the wall-mart but more...
Thank you all :)
Yup that's right, 19 years ago on November 12th, at 10:15A.M. a miracle occurred, Yup that's right, I was born you may all go and buy yourself a...
I would let him fight against this guy: Monsif - Mee met me See which one wins. (By the way >> That's the dutch version of Justin Bieber). In...
You know you're gona lose Karma by the people who didn't win :) When going to school this morning, I realized one thing: I didn't had my pants...
With "Factors" I guess you mean parents?
Way to gay spray >>
About 7 I believe. ;)
And every day, more and more furry's register on the forums.
He thinks the Border police will let him go back to The Netherlands ;D He's going to be surprised when he finds out that that pets aren't allowed...
Don't worry mate not gonna miss you and I'll make the server a hell so you may clean it up after your return.
They've always been there, they'll always be maybe there are new cartoon series on TV with these half-animals-half-humans in it?
* Constructing and manufacturing the Hazardous Environment Suit™ * Developing the Titanium 6AL-4V Alloy * Implementing a hypervelocity Tau...
I saw the site on BMS, don't know the topic got closed I guess it's fake.