:wtf: ... ... Now I get it,
I used to play World of Tanks, it was pretty good but the further up you got more people took it too seriously. I gave in after people started...
Merry christmas
Let's try again Whitelist: Soysauce_sco
ok, confirmed 1900 gmt teamspeak server if enough people turn up.
I suggest that on the pre-stated date and time we attempt to achieve an advanced state of mental incompetence by the repeated consumption of...
Re: Will you get GabenBox instead of a new PC, PlayStation 4, Wii U, or Xbox 720? I'm out of money for now, My kayak wiped out my wallet until...
Update: I'm getting it for Christmas, Your block homes are safe, for now.
Until a few days ago I knew fuck all about it, my friend emailed me the launcher and told me to try it. When I Googled it about an hour ago I...
Scratch that, Turns out i'm "not premium"
Whitelist: Soysauce
Strangely It seems to be working now, I re-setup the panel and it works. Pretty confused. I was banned earlier which was the reason for the "how...
Thanks, My admin panel on the ship pakjesboot 12 won't open, console says I don't have access to the command.
Ship server 12 crashed as I tried to slap some team killer, Can't work out how to fix it. Sorry
you got most of it, sasanachs are lowlanders or English people, beheidin is beheading also no-ones replying to teamspeak
Out of interest did you understand any of that?
Beer? We Scoats only drink Whisky, useig betha. Along wi nae wearin anythin under yer kilt an beheidn Sasanachs wi oor claymores. McEwans?... ;D
I'm busy studying so I'll only be available at 2000 GMT (2100 euro time?) plus I've only got the ship and team fortress 2,
I'm going to put some money on, Not sure if it'll get enough though... £4111 would be worth it for a holiday in Scotland, If I didn't live 20...