But most of the players [who arent admins] Are [admin]
People are getting renamed some how, Something like [admin] -normal name here-...
Re: DOOM 3 Coop Tonight! 19:00h Hmm... I'll pass, But thats a great idea!
I freaking have a neck stiff AND neck pain, It really sucks, So i cant look in all directions [left right or up down] or tilt my head. and WHEN I...
Meow rap battle?
What is your favourite meet the videos? Mine is meet the scout, Of course
Rude for english or rude that i said 5 days?
Hope we see you less than a month, or even 5 days.
Well, i dont have a fav fluffy animal, but i do have a fav animal, its Hedgehog
I have to agree with server lag, but not the server restart, This happens almost like everytime on the server, But then the lag vanishes.
I think the server he wants his shit removed is on USA Yep.
He didint apply to be joint owner ship or anything. He made it because mecha demanded it. and also for the fans of it.
Late welcome back!
Okay, Lemee edit my post and give you someshiz
You know the thing has been goin on between maxofs3d and mecha? Tell me "Which side are you on?!" Lemee give you a short beginning. max left...
Meh, should'nt fall for it.
Now i know some of you are gonna say "dont post youtube vids here" But i just had to. Lookatthis KONY 2012