Bloody Yanks >:( (jokes :) )
15 mins :D
The official µCosmos Facebook page is now up and running: Also, if you are an admin on the servers and/or on...
The alteration to d1_town_01a will save us all a heck of a lot of time...
You get an extra karma for that, well done :)
Merry Christmas! (or whatever you celebrate at this time of the year, or if you choose not to celebrate anything at all, just be happy!) As my...
Well, In my second year of school (I was only about 6 years old) I was talking to someone, someone came and pushed me over, I scraped my chin on...
I c waht you did thar.
Have +1 karma from me as a reward :)
I think this is the first thread to reach 3 pages...
I hear frictional's other game, Penumbra is quite good, but i think amnesia is the only truly 'scare the living shit you of you' game...
here it is:
Meh, I dont like lager, I am a guiness and black sort of person if i have any malt based alcoholic beverage (except vodka)
I got the divx codec AND i tried it in VLC but neither worked...
None of the videos that you upload work for me, they are just sound, I have all of the necessary codecs...
Thank-you spelling nazi.