If you have a youtube/deviantart/anything else site that needs more attention, feel free to post it here! Youtube:...
Im not leaving, Im taking, uuh, a really shitty vacation. and thanks for the good wishes :)
Happy Birthday Mr. Pingwing sir... You were born on the same day as ARmaster on youtube!
I would tell him where babies come from and hope he dies from shock.
I am sorry, but I am having to cut down massively on my gaming time. I am currently in the last year of school before higher education, and, due...
Is steam community down for everyone else? If so, WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? This is not an announcement: topic moved.
Karma schmarma. :D
It seems that I have become quite the useless website correspondant! Heres another one for you: http://tashian.com/multibabel/ Try it! you'll be...
I just play as whatever is tactically apt. Or I just play each class until I don't die XD
I just came. ??? Thou musteth teach me admin as I have only really done sourcemod stuff (unless tf2 runs SM)
You're welcome. :D
Ok :( <<<Sadface. And not one single person has thanked me for the free publicity. I feel unloved.
Hmm, isn't removed in England... I will have to replace it. >>THE NEW VIDEO IS POSTED ABOVE<<
>>GOOD NEWS!!!<< I have hit 10 (11 really) subscribers on my Youtube account! "Why is this relevant?" you may be asking... It is relevant because...
I have found a very good seal maker, but it can also be used to make sprays for games. Here is the site: http://www.says-it.com/seal/pentagon.php...
Why? Well, I know why but... Just why???
I seem to be missing the worldmodels for the 9mm pistol and the rockets for the rocket launcher. I have tried re-installing the game(s),...
Re: Doubleposting is fucking annoying people! Is it bad that I admire your authoritarian approach to pretty much everything?