What are you babbling on about, it's got a GPL license for Pete's sake.
FTP - FileZilla - WinSCP - Cyberduck Notepad - Notepad++ Virtualization - Oracle VirtualBox - QEMU - DosBox Media playback - Miro - Banshee -...
Screenshot management - Greenshot
Jens and me won't be home by 21:00 probably
votekick disabled [IMG] Fill out this highly bureaucratic bullshit to get someone banned.
It's weird, Steam Community and VACBanned.com both say he's still banhammered. But Cloud is able to play Garry's Mod and Team Fortress 2 just fine :D
You had DAB beer? :o It's really awesome. I know a few bars that got them. It has a great taste and it's easy to drink too.
[IMG] WELCOME BACK :donkeykong:
Re: Re: Bedrock square wall They get access to the creative world.
Re: Re: Bedrock square wall What guy on creative? :o
Anyone know who built this? It's a square of bedrock. It's at Vault X: -990 Z: 1240 [IMG]
Donate here! DateWho€ 2013-02-27giantnerd 2, - 2013-03-03markvkalsbeek18,97 2013-03-15mad10kid 2, - 2013-03-18Soewarte Piet10, -...
lol wow, turning off the shaders made a big difference. Also, I have a GeForce, I would never get an ATI videocard, the saturation is way too...
It's really slow on my laptop :( There seems to be no hardware acceleration.
It's now on Greenlight, so vote for it: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=109537650
Okee, maar alleen omdat Ernie het zegt. Anyway, I like organizations like NederlandSchoon and SIRE, because they aren't from the government....
Oh well, nothing to do now than collecting unemployment benefits, and drinking cheap beer on the front lawn.
Re: Re: Donations ... except everyone ::) Try a farm, restaurant, hospital, paper route, or a supermarket.
Re: Re: Donations Try LinkedIn and Monsterboard. Also make sure you mention references and getting your skills endorsed.
There's already a model in place for Donators. They get extra stuff like the ability to view the forum, and immunity from votekick and...