I'm guessing it's more than the hard drive, since the BIOS interface froze :-P I hope that it's just a bad sector and you can reinstall....
I met a brony IRL once. Like paedophiles, it's always the one you least expect it from to be such a horrible person. Yes, I just put bronies on...
I interned IT at a Dutch high school four years ago. They were also stupid. They didn't know how to block websites, so some teacher was walking...
Re: Re: I think it's barren on the forums again LOL there's no porn on that site, only a few stupid sex stories. It's mostly blocked because...
Read every article on totse2.com when you're bored in school. I now know how to pick a lock, train hopping, talk to girls, build smoke bombs,...
GEFELICITAART! Here is a virtual mountain of weed: [IMG]
The sign-up went good this time, and I'm awaiting my confirmation e-mail. In accordance with the ArenaNet NDA, I won't say if it was successful or...
I was willing to try this MMO, since I really hate MMO's in general. Star Trek Online was a huge disappointment, and World of Warcraft was just...
Aight get well soon :) I had that too a few weeks ago, I had a strong fever and I couldn't eat.
LOL, I had a lot of those good series that are so obviously great that I forgot to add them :P It's also funny, because I did add "Curb Your...
So I seem to be known as a television geek, and a lot of people ask me which series are actually good. Well, I made a huge list that I plan to...
PS3 got a hepta-SPE CPU clocked at 3.2 GHz, so it's still good.
There are way better gaming conventions, like gamescom in Europe and QuakeCon in North-America.
At least it's free. gameME charges € 6 a month for two game servers. I think local ranks are better anyway, it keeps people more competitive:...
Re: Doubleposting is fucking annoying people! Exactly. Eron has been banned for being a complete idiot and asshole.
That's all the way in big ole Texas. So yeah, I probably couldn't afford the aeroplane ticket neither.
I hate talking about the weather. So everytime someone brings the weather up, I try steering the conversation to something else.
What is RTX?
whoop Skyrim [IMG]
Me neither. There are better games than something with generic quests and fairy killing.