+1 kudos for PSP :) What is your PSN name? Mine is Refalm.
IRL kudos are important, so maybe they also should be on a forum. Anyway, if you want more kudos, look no further than here.
We colour names of admins, you'll get a coloured one when your trial is win.
Run a good virusscanner, SpyBot, and Malwarebytes Free on all the computers to be sure.
We went to the Lidl without a coat a few days ago, what did you expect? :D
I can control SNES games with a Wiimote on my phone via bluetooth.
I'm gonna drink some CoolBest. It's nice, and it has a stereotypical Australian in the commercial.
A lot of gaming happens on Steam Friends too, so I don't really mind all that much.
Viruses are assholes.
Re: Re: Top 3 favourite Disney cartoons Hercules: boring love story with too many pop culture references. Winnie the Pooh: actually not that...
Join this community: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/messagetovalve And play Half-Life 2 or Synergy at 20:00 CET!
If it's warm, you can drink beer to cool. If it's cold, you can use Beerenburg to warm. So very related indeed.
Most of the Dreamcast crew went to Microsoft to work on the Xbox 360, since the Xbox 1 creator knew more about jazz and paintings than gaming. So...
If you mix Beerenburg, you're a fake Frisian.