Here's a more brief explanation: OnLive - 15 Minute Demonstration
OnLive is the main competitor of Steam. It works radically different. With both systems, you buy a game online, which is then linked to your...
I just found out I can access OnLive :P However, I got a 130 Mbit/s down and up connection, so that might explain why I can access it without...
If you want to get into any source game faster by not seeing the Valve logo, add this to the startup options: -novid
Team Fortress 2 13th May 2011 19:00 GMT DST / 20:00 CET DST
LOL, favourite game soundtracks :P Unreal Tournament GOTY Soundtrack - Razorback Outlaws - Clint Bajakian - The Last Gunfight Interstate '76...
Here's an article from two months ago, detailing on PSN being hacked:...
If you received this e-mail in your inbox, that means you'd better reset all your passwords and check your credit-card for purchases made in...
Not out yet for me, but I guess I'll have to be patient :P If you get the PS3 version, you get the PC and Mac version for free ;) [IMG]
Nice. I hope you won't be shot in the stomach again, in this exciting revolution of yours.
Eh I guess not. They aren't made by Disney, or otherwise, those would be the top 3 ;)
Top 3 favourite Disney cartoons Although almost all of the Disney movies are really horrible (raping works of art like Jungle Book, Hamlet, The...
This is mine: [IMG] I bought this LG Renoir two years ago. It runs a custom LG platform built on JAVA and Shockwave. They tried to make a...
I added the old school page to µCosmos. It's a page which has exclusive stuff for old school games. For example, you can't find the Duke Nukem 3D...
It's out now, what are you waiting for? [IMG] Fastest Firefox Ever * Performance: Firefox is up to six times faster than the previous...
Live! Earthquake and Tsunami Japan!! Friday 11th March 2011 This is from a channel I'm following, about a New Zealand guy living in Japan.
FUCK I'm going to change all that stuff this evening.
That Steam plugin isn't compatible with the latest forum software yet, and hasn't been maintained since March 2010. It doesn't work anymore, so I...
If the problem isn't solved tomorrow, I'll use the Gamer ID plugin, so the Steam ID will show up next to the PSN and XBL icons. It's less neat...
It's weird, the Steam data worked perfectly when I upgraded the forum. I'll look into it. It should work.